Berkeley Lab Summer 2024

High School Presentations

Friday,  July 26, 2024

The Berkeley Lab Government and Community Relations, K-12 STEM Education & Outreach team is very excited to welcome everyone to the 2024 Berkeley Lab High School Summer Graduation and Sympositum!  This website includes an overview of the program day. 

Image of Berkeley Lab K-12 STEM programs logo. The image includes a tree-like design with the tree top designed form smaller scientific icons. The tree trunk is created using circuits. The phrase "cultivating the next generation" is printed below the image.

Program Agenda

Opening and Closing Session Zoom LINK

9:00 AM Welcome and Program Overview*

9:15 AM  Remarks from Deputy Director for Research, Dr. Carol Burns 

9:30 AM Keynote Address

9:40 AM Student Recognition 


10:15 AM Student Presentations (Hybrid, Various Locations Onsite) 

12:30 PM Student Poster Presentations (Offline, Building 91) 


2:00 PM  Welcome and Program Overview*

2:20 PM  Remarks from Director, Mike Witherell 

2:25 PM   Keynote Address 

2:40 PM Student Recognition 

*The opening and closing will be held in Building 50 and via zoom. 

Program Overview  

The 100+ students presenting on Friday, July 26, 2024, will represent cohorts from the Quantum Computing, Mathematics and Physics Camp, Berkeley Lab Director's Apprenticeship Program (BLDAP), and the Experiences in Research (EinR) Programs

QCaMP - is a four-week primer on computing fundamentals, quantum physics, and problem-solving. Students explore a mixture of topics that help them to dive into basic and complex concepts to look at new phenomena. This program is jointly hosted with Sandia National Labs. Funding for QCaMP is sponsored by Department of Energy, Office of Science's Pathways Summer Program.

BLDAP:IPLMDS is a six-week training program that introduces students to a STEM network,  python coding, and data science. Students are invited to join post-summer workshops to build on skills and dive deeper into additional STEM areas throughout the year. Many participants may choose to join us for a second summer in the Experiences in Research Program. Funding for this program is provided by the Department of Energy, Office of Sciece Pathways Summer Program. 

EinR is a six-week internship program that matches high school students with a Berkeley Lab mentor. Students spend their summer working on a project organized under one of four areas: Administration/Communications, Coding Dependent, Data Science, and Experimentation and Data Collection.  The program is expected to provide students with an interdisciplinary and independent research experience. Funding for EinR is provided by Director Mike Witherell, Deputy Director for Research Carol Burns, and the Berkeley Lab Foundation.